Monday, January 02, 2006

the opposite of faith...fear, not doubt

As I was planning some things for our Home Community tonight, I kept getting stuck on a particular passage in the Bible. We are reading through Mark together and will be asking questions about a story in Mark 9 where Jesus heals a boy possessed by an evil spirit. At one point, the boy's father says, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!"

Since reading that, I've been thinking about faith all day. Somewhere along my thinking, I felt compelled to call my good friend Wilson (he always seems to make me ask more questions). He said, "The opposite of faith isn't doubt; it is fear. We always assume that it is so wrong to doubt or question God, but it's not. It's sad when our fear cripples our ability to believe."

You can see how that has only generated more questions. But, needless to say, it made me think a lot about Summit and the environment that is created every Wednesday. I like the fact that I can go to Summit honest about my doubts and questions. I enjoy the conversation and appreciate looking at things that are happening all around us in culture only to come away with more questions about God.

There are some lyrics written by singer/song-writer Chris Rice that say:
God if you're there, I hope you show it
And God if you're there, I need you to know that
I hope you don't mind me asking you questions
But I figure you're big enough
I figure you're big enough

Somehow, I gotta think that God's big enough to handle my questions and doubt


1 comment:

Gunslinger said...

"I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!"

I like this. I think that everyone has felt a little like this at one time or another. I know I feel this way from time to time.

We have had many lenghty discussions about how most people don't doubt the idea of God or religion as a whole, rather, fear the changes they might have to make to their status quo to be a true follower and believer.
