Monday, January 02, 2006

Goals, Journeys, Relationships, and new starts

Happy New Year to all of our readers!

With the new year comes all sorts of new starts, new relationships, new journeys, and new goals. Almost every person I know makes some sort of resolution for the new year ahead. Some are small things and others are, well, colossal undertakings. I once read somewhere that something like 85% of the U.S. population make resolutions for each new year. Of those 85%, almost all of the resolutions made were to do one of these three things: Lose weight. Stop (insert bad habit here). Save more money. The article also talked about how around 90% of the people who make said resolutions will not complete them, let alone make it one year. Some did not even make it one week.

I make resolutions. This year my resolutions are more personal goals I have set for myself. I am intent on making my goals. I have about one typed page of goals, and I am now in the process of organizing them, and making a plan for each. What are my goals you ask? First and foremost, to get back on the fat loss wagon. I fell off the fat loss wagon in late October. School and work got really crazy for me, so I just concentrated more on things that did not involve exercising and eating right. I also intend on maintaining a zero missed class record, and to achieve a 3.0 GPA this term. I want to be able to run in a half marathon by next September. I did not get my road trip last summer, so I am intent on going this year. Goal for that road trip? Hike into phantom ranch from the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. (I have already hiked to the bottom from the south Rim). I also intend on strengthening my relationship with God. Will I keep my resolutions and make my goals? I hope so, I am pretty set on them, and I am getting my friends involved in keeping me on track. Typing this right now has me wondering, what kinds of goals do you have? How do you make resolutions? (lip service, write them down, tell friends?) How do you maintain those goals?

Relationships and Journeys: This has been the focus of where we have been taking Summit for the past few months, and intend on keeping with that theme for a while, because each one alone can be pretty deep. Life is a series of relationships, as much as it is a series of journeys.

SUMMIT KICKS OFF AGAIN THIS WEDNESDAY! January 4th, 2006. This will be the first Summit of the new year, and we have a few new ideas and topics to share with all of you. As always... Free cookies and coffee. We hope that this site will become a forum of discussion about life, culture, God, and how they all intertwine! We look forward to your comments.

If you are a first time visitor, and/or you have come here because you found one of our website cards laying around, please take a minute or two to drop a comment.


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