Saturday, December 17, 2005

Through Christmas and the New Year

Thanks to everyone for coming and being open to asking questions and dialoguing. There won't be Summit at Spoons this next week, but we want to encourage more conversation online through the new year. We'll probably post a question or two to discuss, so feel free to post anytime and talk with each other. We'll come back in 2006 and keep the conversation going over a cup of coffee and a cookie. ('s free!)

This is probably the coolest thing about Summit, is that we don't need a place to do it. Summit is a "third place" at a coffee shop, online, or one on one, that we want to help create for people to come and join in the creation of a place that they can discuss God and related cultural topics, where people can be themselves and where there are no stupid questions.

Christmas time is upon us, which means we'll all be spending more time with our families and more money on gifts. Here are some questions: Why presents? Why buy stuff for people? Have you ever made a present for someone that they liked better than a store-bought one?

You might want to answer that question, or even another perhaps more important question: What do I need in my life? Think about it. What things are important enough to me that if I didn't have them in this life I probably wouldn't make it? Is it love? Is it a sports car? What about the comfort of owning my own house? Is it acceptance? An Xbox 360?

Remember, Summit isn't about answering these questions for you, it's about helping discover them together. Come with your answers, or come with more questions. We'll all be better off for it. And have a wonderful Christmas!


Jared said...

I'm a church planter in NYC (most of my time spent in the Bronx). Tell me about the Summit. Do you rent the Spoon? Grab a corner table during regular store hours? Or is it some sort of Christian coffee house at a church building kind of thing? How does it work? I'd like to learn?

Gunslinger said...

Spoons is actually closed for business during the time that we host summit. The owner has agreed to let us use her space for our project. We provide coffee and cookies at the Church's expense. Dwayne, Tim, and I sit down about a week ahead of each Summit, and go over topics, media, culture, and what not. Aside from how to get a larger audience, our stuggle is how to present information in a way that is engaging to most, without excluding or boring everyone. The goal (feel free to chime in if I am missing anything here, guys) is to get people from any level of Christianity to start asking questions about life, God, and themselves. We really have no intention of answering questions, but more just to help people question their life and their life with God in a stress free environment. To do this, we use (mostly) video clips that have to do with the topic of the evening. This year, we are focusing on "The Journey" and "relationships" so we have used some clips from LOTR and we also played some board games to show the types of control we have over our lives, in carying degrees (from none, to almost total).

By in Large, we aim to provide a relaxed friendly environment where our patrons can enjoy some warm coffee, warm smiles, and cookies. With any luck, we will hit on something that will click with them, and make them want to come back, and maybe bring a friend. If they don't want to participate in discussion, and sit in a corner and do homework, that is cool too.

I hope this helps with your questions. We are glad that you are reading this blog, and encourage you to come back often. We are challenging ourselves to each post one thing a week here.

God Bless.


Tim said...

Most of our meetings happen at Starbucks.