Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Life In The Village

For the next two weeks, we will be taking a look at some presumptions about society and utopia in film. We chose a more recent suspense/thriller to look at for the next two weeks: The Village. This is a film that has to do with some of our assumptions about what our heaven could be. We will explore some of our own assumptions about heaven, and take a look at how this film interacts with many beliefs that people in today’s culture have.

What does The Village say about utopia or heaven and its possible drawbacks of what we think it might be? We chose this film because it uses a sort of closed off look at society. The members of the village have all fled here to get away from bad things that happened to them in the towns. By doing so, they have built what they believe to be a center of utopia for themselves. Now they are surrounded by a dark and scary forest that contains evil beings that want to do them harm. It makes an interesting contrast between how we want our lives to be sometimes, and how they really are.

What can this movie tell us about how we live our lives as we are open to other viewpoints and aspects to society? The people in The Village have closed themselves off trom the rest of society and appear happy. They have to make some sacrifices in their lives in order to do this. What kinds of sacrifices might need to be made for a real utopia?


Toward the end of The Village, we find that the monsters in the woods are actually creations of the town elders in order to scare people into believing and staying within the utopia. In our lives, what demons are real and which ones do we create ourselves? Which ones are created by others for us? What are the real demons/monsters in this movie and how are they overcome?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What does it take to maintain a true utopia? To answer in one word attitude. It defines us and those around us and can in essence create a utopic world. Daily I think about my life and my surroundings. Am I safe, secure, happy, liked, content? Again all of these can be a matter of attitude. Do we chose to let things out of our control affect our attitudes? Yes, should we let them? No! Jesus walked this earth for 33 years and for the last three He was loved and hated. To some degree it affected him, but did his attitude change? No, He knew what he had to do and what it took. The answer is attitude!