Monday, February 13, 2006

Batman Begins With God

Summit the last two weeks have had some great conversations about God through the eyes of Batman. Specifically the movie Batman Begins.

In this film, Bruce Wayne constantly struggles with the fact that he has to give up his very identity to be able to serve his fellow man in need. He does this by assuming his alter ego (Batman) and fighting for the innocent people who cannot fight for themselves. He constantly grips at revenge and anger as his motivations for doing what he does, but as he has more experience being Batman and his identity as Bruce Wayne fades, he discovers that his desire for revenge is not what drives him, but something deeper.

How does the theme of temptation function through Batman Begins? What temptations does Bruce Wayne face? How does he defeat tempation and how does he lose?

How does Bruce Wayne/Batman's motivation to stop injustice change through the film? Consider the difference between justice and revenge throughout the movie. What role does compassion play in justice?

There are many more questions that came up during our conversations from this movie, such as Batman being a Christ figure, or even Bruce Wayne's father being the Christ figure, giving up his life for the very people who killed him. Please feel free to comment and leave more questions and have this place be a continuation or starting point for you in this conversation.

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